A wiki for Chaos is Eternal.
Formatted link: Omnipendium Home
The Omnipendium is established 2024-03-07. It was a Thursday. This document will contain the ruleset for the Chaos LitRPG, as well as a wiki of locations, events, characters, and more.
Alternative title: Excerpts from a book I’ll never write.
WARNING! AI generated content!
These documents may contain text generated by ChatGPT or another AI. If this idea offends you, do not proceed.
Good question. The GCOI was full of old, outdated, incomplete, and contradictory information. Much of it will be pulled forward into the Omnipendium, but not without heavy review.
Apart from being a reference for authors, game masters, and players alike, I also intend to eventually train a GPT like AI on the contents of the Omnipendium. I will then use this ai to transform “Excerpts from a book I’ll never write” into a book actually written. I don’t know how that’s going to work yet, but I’ll get there when I get there. Do note that before anyone can actually use this reference, I need to figure out how licences work and attach an appropriate one to this body of work.
Because I’m one guy, and my time is split between a full-time job, a significant other, and multiple other hobbies. Maybe it would be better to think of this as less of a formal wiki and more like a digital garden that is open to guests.
Material Reality - Dreamscape - The Breach
WISE - Xaran Alliance - Vexian Empire
The Empire of the Darkness Flame